Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sun and run to the water

What a perfect day. Worked during the day, so ended up with the evening off. I was so excited for the sun that I consciously didn't wear sunscreen--I may have burned, but that's okay. I figure I need some vitamin D in my life. Ran down to Boulevard Park and back (clearly didn't run the WHOLE way, but mostly). It was amazing. I also sat by the water for a bit, which was really nice. There were tons of people at the park, but it was still nice.

Ran for 40 mins total. It was pretty warm, I should have worn shorts, but my shorts don't fit very well, so I feel kind of awkward in them. I should sign up for another 5k next month. Next time I won't get sick. I should probably swim tomorrow since my legs are getting tired.

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