Friday, May 9, 2008

race tomorrow, good run this morning, even on no sleep

This morning, I had a great run. This was pretty surprising since I haven't slept yet and I have pretty much just eaten garbage all week and haven't worked out since my ballet class on Monday...yeah, it's Friday. It is 7:29 am and I haven't slept yet. Actually ended up working a 14 hr shift last night (did I mention I LOVE overtime? so of course I said yes). Actually worked a 14hr shift last night but need to stay up until 10am to make it to class today. I know if I sleep between now and then I won't get up, so I figured a run would be a good way to recharge. So far, it feels pretty good, esp since it was a really good run. I got my mile time down to 9:02, and the second mile was 9:24...I would have gone longer today, but wanted to quit while I was still feeling good considering the garbage food and lack of sleep. Tomorrow morning should be pretty good. The plan is to get up at 7, eat a light breakfast, run around a bit to warm up and go. I'm just going to treat it like a regular run and not psyche myself out. It should be a pretty good run though, especially after today's.

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