Friday, February 26, 2010


Uuuuuggggghhhhh....I got a sinus infection last weekend and am on a heavy course of abx, so I don't want to mess up my body any more and expose myself to ickies at the gym while I am sick, so I haven't really worked out this week. I still have 5 more days of abx, but I think I will get back to it soon here. Maybe it will be light-ish in the am on Saturday after work so I can go run outside. Unsure.

Just don't want to screw myself any worse than I am already.


Friday, February 19, 2010

TM and row

So ran on the TM for half an hour yesterday. Wanted to do 40, but the gym was kind of crowded so I figured I would be a good person and follow the rules. After the run I hopped onto the erg for a quick 2k....erging after running is never a quick 2k, though. And my time was pretty slow....9:28, which is back where I started timewise--but I did run pretty hard and fast prior, so I am not too worried about it.

This weekend I am planning to row and spend some time with kids at a pool party on Sunday.

I also have to get new shoes since I got a blister on my run yesterday. Blisters on a treadmill even! Ridiculous. Time for new shoes.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

ugh cold...

I think Jake got me sick...ugh. He was sick all last week. Boo. I am on nights this weekend, so I am just sleeping all day and lounging. No workout today :(. I did run 3 miles yesterday on the TM, so I suppose I "deserve" a day off. But I had such a good routine going. I hate that I get sick right when I get a routine.

Hopefully tomorrow I will workout. Otherwise, definitely Monday. Stupid cold. Sore throat, headache, tired, sore/achy joints. Ugh.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Run, run, as fast as you can

Ran outside and to the park today. Haven't done that run in a looooong time. It was great. I think I was going pretty fast, and got 3/4 up the stairs, which is way farther than I have gotten up them before. Those darn things are tough!! So started on Puget St, and then down to the short trail at Fraser St. From there went to Woburn and Iowa St. Hit the stairs, then through the park to the bridge, then went around the lower gorge trail along the water, and then back past the cemetery and home via Lakeway. It was probably about 4 miles. I feel like I was going faster than usual, and was finally able to run all of it, except the little part on and after the stairs.

At first when I got outside, I was very cold, so had to get moving to get warm. I knew once I got warm, I would have been too hot with more clothes on.

So...tomorrow the plan is to either ride my bike to run errands, or hit up the Y and do some swimming. My arms are still pretty sore from rowing on water (weird how erging doesn't make me sore) swimming makes me feel like I am working out and resting at the same time, if that makes any sense.

Today was the Super Bowl. I am glad I ran today so I feel less guilty about what I did eat at the party. I also ate lunch before we went to the party, so I wouldn't load up on party food. I waited until the end of the first quarter to hit the food/beer stash. I tried to eat a lot of veggies and real food, but by the end, I had loaded up on chips and dip. I don't really think that I ate too terribly, so that's good.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Did the long drive down to Whidbey Island to row on the water today, and it was great. They had me on stroke in the adult novice quad, which was fine....but I felt like some of the people behind me were rushing me a bit, but it was okay. I was just happy to get on the water. Maybe next time I will take a day trip out to somewhere, maybe Port Townsend, from the island. It was a beautiful drive, and the weather today was perfect, so it may actually be worth the 160 miles round trip....we'll think it over this week. If I do go back, I will probably hit up some of the trails down there for a good run after the rowing workout. I also hope that next week I get into a smaller boat with better people, so we can get a good workout in, but for recreation purposes, that was pretty good.

I probably won't work out anymore today. Tomorrow I think I am going to get up early-ish and get a run in before Super Bowl Festivities :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ran to gym!!

Ran to the Y, which is about a mile each way--woo hoo! running outside :)

Also, pulled a 2k in 9:09. woot. finally speeding up a bit. Hopefully I can get my endurance up to maintain this kind of speed. Again the middle 1000 or so meters were my slowest. My splits always end up like a huge wave...I need to get more consistent too. Again, an issue of endurance.
My splits were (approx. I didn't have my phone on me to take notes) 2:09, 2:15, 2:21, and finally 2:06....why are the middle sections always so slow? ugh.

I also found a rowing club on Whidbey Island that goes out twice a month, and they fall on my days off :) So I think I am getting my butt down there in the morning to get out on the water. I can't wait! I do have to leave by 6a to get there by 8a, but it may very well be worth it. They are going to put me in a quad, which would be would be nice if I could compete, but I don't think I have the time to devote for training.