Friday, January 23, 2009

woo hoo

I can run the whole 3-ish miles from downtown to the end of Taylor Dock along the South Bay trail and back without stopping...woo hoo. Love it. One of these days I'm going to do it twice or run through Fairhaven or something. I just need to get out of bed earlier, which means that I have to stop staying up until 3 am.

So Jake and I are going to buy a house this year. As much as I like my weekends at home, I also find that I get bored at home, so I am going to start a second job on-call at Skagit Valley Hospital. That should be fun. They actually pay more than SJH, so it will be worth it to work a few shifts a month down there. I can't wait to start. Hopefully I can meet their needs and make some extra dough :)

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