Friday, October 1, 2010


I guess I am one of those people who works out 5 or 6 days a week. I like it :)

Today I drove the gym and did a fast, hilly mile on the TM, and then went upstairs for a core strength class, and then headed back down stairs and did three sets of 5 different arm workouts. It was definitely a good day.

Yesterday, took the doggie for an easy run downtown. We hit the South Bay Trail for about half an hour.

Wednesday I rested since I had to watch kids in the morning and then work in the evening.

Tuesday I ran to the gym and then did some arms and core and ran home.

Monday I took the dog for a short run on the trails near our house.

Sunday, Jake and I took the dog to Padden for a run. It was really nice to run w 2 buddies :)

So that's 5 days this week. I bet I will work out tomorrow too, and there is a 5k on Sunday morning that I want to do. It's a fundraiser for DVSAS. woot. I did the 10k version last year, but I want to try to make it a fast 5k this year. Hmmm. Huzzah.

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