Thursday, October 4, 2012

Post-marathon recovery

Oh god, pool running is so boring.

When can I run again? I think I am going to get out tomorrow for an easy 5 or 6 mi trail run. And do some core workouts.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Yesterday I ran a full marathon. I have been running seriously for the last four years, but got really serious when I started a boot camp program, dropped weight, and got faster. A year ago, I said I could  never stick to a training schedule and all the "work" that goes into a full marathon, let alone the actual race itself.

Well, I did it. I ran with a really good friend, and finished faster than I though I could. Today I feel amazing.

The worst part was about mile 22 when my legs felt really tired/sore and my feet hurt. Even after that, we still cranked up all the hills (my race signature) and were able to run pretty fast for the last mile. It basically went the way all my races do--great.

I think I am ready to run again tomorrow, or the next day and ready for the next races I have coming up. Most people I know take a long break from running after their first marathon, and don't even think about running another for a long time, but I want MORE. I am ready for this.

I am starting CrossFit next week. So that should be sweet.