Friday, January 23, 2009

woo hoo

I can run the whole 3-ish miles from downtown to the end of Taylor Dock along the South Bay trail and back without stopping...woo hoo. Love it. One of these days I'm going to do it twice or run through Fairhaven or something. I just need to get out of bed earlier, which means that I have to stop staying up until 3 am.

So Jake and I are going to buy a house this year. As much as I like my weekends at home, I also find that I get bored at home, so I am going to start a second job on-call at Skagit Valley Hospital. That should be fun. They actually pay more than SJH, so it will be worth it to work a few shifts a month down there. I can't wait to start. Hopefully I can meet their needs and make some extra dough :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

5k and Sun!

Did the 5k this weekend in 36:27...still kind of slow, but I don't care...I ran a race :) And am doing one next month and hopefully a 10k in March or April. Then, of course the 1/2 in June! Yay!

And it was clear today after starting out at a chilly 26degrees, but I still went to Boulevard Park and ran there, it was too nice not to. I love that place.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Race on Jan 17th

Woo hoo. Running a race on the 17th. Depending on my long run tomorrow, I'll do either the 5k or the 10k...hopefully I can do the's in Mt Vernon and even starts at 10 am, which is a great start time :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009


so far the plan is great. I have worked out every day this week. I even did hills on Thursday. Usually when I run the hill (Yew St Hill, yeah), it's really hard to get up and I walk a good portion of it since I pretty run out the door and onto the hill with no warmup. Of course, the downhill portion always feels really good, but then I just feel like I ran down a hill rather than actually running the hill. So, Thursday on the way down, rather than just run straight down, I turned around and sprinted back up to the previous phone pole and then back down a bit and then back up, all the way down the hill. This way, I actually got a hill run in, and it felt great.

I have been erg-ing for cross training and on the easy xt day, I biked and did core stuff. Monday I go back to ballet. Tomorrow, I'm on schedule to run 7 miles, hope the sidewalks are clear. I am so done with this snow stuff.

I'm also seeing really good results on my body. A lot of my clothes are too big, even my workout clothes are getting loose. I can run longer faster already too...I love it. So far I'm down 18 lbs from the "crisis" weight from October 2007.

Time for a nap before work tonight....hope the run tomorrow goes well. I'm sure it will. Yay!